
Hydration is essential for our sports performance and well-being. Our body is made up mostly of water, and we need to maintain a proper balance of fluids to function properly. During physical exercise, fluid loss occurs through sweating and breathing, which can negatively affect the athlete's performance and health if these fluids are not adequately replaced.

What can happen if we do not hydrate ourselves correctly?

Dehydration can have serious consequences, such as decreased physical performance, fatigue, increased risk of muscle and joint injuries, decreased concentration, and increased body temperature, which can lead to heat stroke in the body. extreme cases.

What factors should we take into account to know how to hydrate ourselves?

The amount of liquids that should be ingested depends on several factors:

  • The intensity and duration of exercise
  • Ambient temperature and humidity
  • The type of sport and the individual characteristics of the athlete, such as weight and height.

In general, it is recommended that athletes drink between 500 ml and 1 liter of fluids per hour of exercise, and that they continue drinking regularly even after finishing sports to replace lost fluids.

It is important to keep in mind that not all fluids are created equal, and some may be more effective than others in replenishing fluids and electrolytes lost during exercise. In general, it is recommended to drink water, as it is the best option for hydration and does not contain calories or added sugars. However, in long-duration or high-intensity sports, such as cycling or running, it may be necessary to replace electrolytes lost through sweat, such as sodium and potassium, with specific sports drinks.

Don't forget to hydrate your skin

We may not have thought about it, but it is highly recommended to hydrate the skin after playing sports. During physical activity, the body sweats to regulate body temperature, which can cause dry skin. Additionally, depending on the sport practiced, the skin may be exposed to other elements such as the sun, wind, sand, chlorine, among others, which can also affect skin hydration.

Therefore, it is important to moisturize the skin after playing sports to restore its natural moisture, help repair any damage caused and keep it healthy.

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